From a notebook...'that notebook'
Arguably, ‘the notebook’ is one of the most personal day to day items one will use and becomes more so every time an entry is added. To...

The art and transformation of Book Binding throughout the 19th Century.
The 19th Century was a time of change. The level of literacy increased and with it, the demand for books by the wider public. The book...

An Interview with artist Hannah Campbell Adamson (nee de Haan)
The next interview is with the incredibly talented fine artist Hannah Campbell Adamson (nee de Haan) who has been set the exciting task...

The Rise of the Notebook
For a millennial, the idea of buying a paper notebook or diary may seem an unusual purchase, however if you are a habitual stationery...

Twitter made it cool to write
As quote by Kevin Braddock from Daily Telegraph; ‘Notebooks and stationery fetishes stand firmly on one side of a modern social divide,...

Present and Correct
Whether you are simply a lover of stationery or part of the masterfully organised brigade there are two products which will never fail to...

Author of the Month - William Blake
Throughout this series, we will be writing a short overview of artists, poets, play writes and sculptors all of whom have helped shape...

Sealed with a Gift
As I sit here writing this blog, I’m glancing down at my trusty Blake notebook and matching Scott Journal with their beautiful butter...

The meaning behind the name
The expression ‘behind every successful person there is a powerful influence’ could not be truer. It is safe to say that whoever we are...

The Art of The Hand Written
The modern world, offers a host of alternative forms of communication; Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, email, telephone, text, fax and the...