Twitter made it cool to write

As quote by Kevin Braddock from Daily Telegraph; ‘Notebooks and stationery fetishes stand firmly on one side of a modern social divide, representing intimacy and privacy; on the other side is the compulsive self-exposure of social networking, commenting and blogging. The former being more reflective and considered than the digital diarrhea of status updates, comments and tweets, less coldly perfunctory than emails and text tapped out on an iphone, ipad or blackberry, the vogue of note making returns writing to an act of expression instead of communication’.
The truth is, we all get that feel good factor when we create something with our hands and writing is no exception. It’s the physical experience of the body doing something.
The interesting thing about stationery is the irresistible desire it creates. The majority of people will admit that they can’t pass a stationery shop without going in and touching everything. The myriad of colours, textures and designs is too good to miss. For something so rudimentary and plain the effect is phenomenal.
In the world of so many digital products and social platforms, the simplicity of pen and paper has become a timeless attraction. Many stationery shops and brands are promoting the word ‘journaling which simply means ‘the urge to scribble’. An action which momentarily takes out of the crazy world we live in and allows us to zone into something totally new.
According to Angela Webb of the National Hand Writing Association, over the past few years there has been a huge increase in handwriting and other craft based hobbies.
Many authors script by hand before they digitalise their work. It helps their thought process and encourages their ideas to flow. JK Rowling wrote many of her famous Harry Potter books in the long hand before converting them into type.
Stuart Kirby from JOTTRR believes that the ‘world of digital has far from diminished the importance of the notebook, he feels it has in fact enhanced it.’ ‘The digital era offers so much information but using notebooks is a very different process to writing on screen. You can go back over notes, scratch them out, amend and review. You remember it’. As founder of Rollo London, a stationery and notebook brand I whole heartedly agree with Kirby, this is one of the main reasons the brand became a reality.
Despite the world of online, social communication, text and blogs, the simple fact is that art of note taking and hand writing is far from on the decline, it is in fact more popular than ever before. It seems that the greater the push for technology the stronger the stationery market seems to become.
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