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What does it actually mean to have an ‘environmentally responsible’ or ‘sustainable’ product? … Such statements are thrown about often with little supporting evidence, so at Rollo London we embraced the following philosophy.

Every Rollo London product must bear the unmistakable trademark of quality, functionality and exquisite craftsmanship. When designing the Rollo London pieces, Alex understood the importance of attention to detail and unique design features; including our eye-catching charm, which is why Rollo collections are exclusively produced in our specialist factories and every product designed with these capabilities in mind. Not only does this ensure seamless production but simultaneously allows us to maintain our design edge, monitor manufacturing methods, ecological impact and develop and diversify as required.

“Sustainability is a journey, a journey of the full life of a product and a story which we can all be a part of. Buy once, buy well. Use a product to the end of its life. Choice is a luxury which gives us the influence to change which in itself is empowering and exciting. Price is key, if it’s too low someone or something else is paying. Choosing products which are good quality, and you will keep forever is sustainability.” Alex Fagan – Founder of Rollo London

We believe the journey starts at home. For Rollo London, that’s at our beautiful work rooms located in rural Buckinghamshire, taking advantage of farming diversification and using repurposed outbuildings. Alex has created a dreamy work environment, using naturally sourced stone, wood, reclaimed marble and plenty of greenery and mirrors to bring the outdoors ‘in’; each and every element being a constant reminder as to where the story really begins.

How though does this translate to a sustainable product? All too frequently we see businesses claiming to have ‘sustainable products’ and employing ‘biodegradable’ materials. On the surface these seem highly attractive, but do we truly understand the mass production process, the materials, the ingredients or even the ethics behind the manufacture of final products or materials?

When sourcing our own materials for Rollo London, we rejected numerous possibilities due to the lack of transparency within the production process. We discounted others due to the chemicals and environmentally damaging processes used to create ‘biodegradable’ materials. Whilst some may decompose, the damage to the planet in producing such an end product was unquantifiable and likelihood of contamination when biodegrading was too high.

We solved this solution by using largely paper-based materials which fitted our lengthy criteria. We have since take this a step further and launched ‘Repurposed’, a collection of notebooks produced from stunning materials once headed for landfill but rescued just in time.

Country of manufacture was another consideration. Understanding that not all materials can be locally sourced is completely acceptable. However, ensuring that the elements you use support the highest of ethical policies and process is absolutely critical. How do we quantify this? Certifications, visiting suppliers, interviewing the necessary people and observation of the process.

Our carbon footprint is also vital. To purchase component parts from further afield is one thing but to make the product locally is better still. Rollo London manufacture in the UK for the British and EU market. For markets outside of the EU we have supply chains nearer the end destination.

Working conditions, fair living wages, a happy and well supported team is imperative too. Poor conditions and bad pay have a catastrophic social impact.

A truly ecological product is one where not only the product is sustainable and has full transparency, but one where you can guarantee the supply chain, the people, the materials and all the processes behind it have all been considered. In other words, a 360-degree guarantee behind each and every piece…

Individually we can’t look into every product we buy, but we can purchase from brands who honestly look into this for us.

In conclusion we believe :

“Environmental responsibility is not just about a product which bio-degrades in 180 days but something which one uses until the end of its life and treasures with pride long after the final page has been written in.” Alex Fagan – Founder of Rollo London

We are absolutely thrilled to launch REPURPOSED BY ROLLO.

UK Made, Fully Sustainable



To read more about our sustainability, click here

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